Monday, January 30, 2017

How to make best lemonade ever!

Whenever it is lemon season, we should take advantage, right?
Since the Meyer lemon tree outside bears so many of them!

You only need:

6 juicy lemons
6 cups of water
1 cup of sugar
2 cups of ice cubes

1. Cut the lemons in half, and squeeze the juice out.

2. In a med sauce pan, pour 6 cups of water and a cup of sugar.

3. Turn the heat to med high, and stir the water and sugar mixture until the sugar dissolves completely.

 4. Cool the sugar water.

5. Add the fresh squeezed lemon juice and ice cubes, and the sugar water, then chill in the fridge.

Cutely enough, there are so many baby lemons are in the branches!

More to come!

Serve with lots of ice. 
This is a great drink for kids and adults.
Of course my daughter drinks it straight up!

It can be mixed with good liquor or even simple soda water!

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